My paternal grandma is called Joanna Malfertheiner, née Stufferin and was born on 27 October 1932. When she was three years old, she moved into the Römer Schwaige on the Alpe di Suisi. Since her mother died much too early, she quickly learned how to cook and run a household at a very young age. Our classic dishes such as apple strudel or Kaiserschmarren are still prepared according to grandma’s recipe today.
Hanni and her husband Anton have been catering for guests at the Ritsch Schwaige since the end of the 1950s. She looked after the guests and served dishes such as goulash soup, Kaiserschmarren etc. He took care of the animals on the farm and was the very first on the Alpe di Suisi to prepare cross-country ski runs in the winter.
Our grandma always had an open ear for guests even into old age.